From Main Line Dine:

Looking for a break from the lunch routine? Though neither place is exactly new to the scene, two independent businesses are serving fresh, interesting and casual fare. First, Dixie Picnic in Malvern (in the shopping center with Giant). Started as a restaurant on the Jersey Shore town of Ocean City, this location opened a few years ago. The menu features a wide variety of sandwiches, many of which are available in Bette’s Box Lunch, which comes with a side salad, a deviled egg, and an “upcake”, the Dixie Picnic version of a cupcake (in which all surface area is covered with frosting).


I couldn’t resist the grilled chicken pesto wrap (given my well-documented love of pesto), which delivered all it promised. Dixie Picnic also has a full breakfast menu as well as a short list of entrees. (Georgia-style pulled pork, anyone?)